Sunday, May 10, 2009

To boldly go where we're not needed

I think human space exploration is a bad idea. Instead of playing Star trek it's much better to send a small automated workshop that like a cell or an old fashioned smithy can build an identical version of itself.(the population doubles with each generation and if you double something 30 times you get a billion) They could then make construction machinery and so anything else including a hotel and resort for the 1st human inhabitants. If 5 years ago a workshop had been sent to Mars with the rovers it could've built a small city by now. Tho settling Mars isn't the best option, in my humble opinion I think the best idea is having cells travel to the small objects of the Asteroid belt where they can mine and because these Asteroid belt objects have very little gravity the material can be transported into space to build beautiful free floating giant centrifugal structures with earths environment, gravity, day length and McDonalds outlets.
